I can’t really think of a topic that would be interesting for you people to read. But since you’re already on the second sentence, you might as well continue. I promise to keep it short.
I’d like to share my experiences from the Mr. And Ms. University Pageant. Don’t deny it! I know how much you enjoy watching beauty pageants, how you stay up late just to know who made it to the final five, how you comment on every little detail that is barely visible, how you cheer for your kababayan, kapatid, kaklase, kakulto, kaibigan or ka-ibigan and how bias we can be. It’s in your culture. You are 100% Pinoy!
You may think it’s strange but if you were to ask me how I got myself into this pageant, I honestly can’t remember. All I know was that I was a part of it and I wanted to bring home the crown and share the victory with the people who strongly believed in me regardless of my flaws.
The show went on fast without me knowing how my performance was on stage, how I looked, walked, projected. I had no clue if I’d make it to the final five. All I knew was it was a tough competition. One wrong move and you’re good as out. How I wanted to be a candidate and a part of the audience at the same time so I would know which aspects would I improve on. I didn’t receive any of the six minor awards. I almost lost hope. And then my name was called. I was one of the top five candidates. I revived.
It felt like a second chance, a chance to prove that I was worthy of the title. But I failed. I was disappointed. I wanted to ask why, I know it would help me improve myself but until this day, I’m not yet ready to hear the answer.
It was that night and the following day, a rainy Sunday that I felt so bad, really bad without knowing why. I never knew why I wanted it. I never even knew that I wanted it that bad.
Despite my sentiments, I never questioned God why He didn’t allow me to bring out the best in myself because I already know the answer – It is not for me. Somebody else deserves, needs and would make more use of it than I will.
I am already a winner, and I will always be a winner.
I’ve gained new experiences, learning, opportunities, friends, skills and a lot more from this pageant. But my favorite would have to be this:

I don’t know what I have done to deserve all these. I love you!
To My Mum, My AUF and LMSI Friends, Harry, Ma’am Virgie, K8, Kuya Jhim, Jerome, Mike, Sinukwan…Thank You!

There is ALWAYS something to be grateful about. Always count and share your blessings. We are all winners. Cheers!
Congratulations for having both beauty and brain. Your mum and dad must be so proud of you.
i was one of those people shouting "go mic!!! go mic!!!" from the audience during the mr and ms u pageant. At first, days before the pageant, we we, thje abmc 3 people were thinking on how to show oursupportsto michelle. we have decided to make banners and t shirt. we have collected money from our friends to buy the materials that we are going to need.
we believe in mIC's capacity. we all know that Mic can do it and she will bring if not the crown but atleast one major award and she did it. congratulations mic.
michelle looks really stunning that night as i was remember... she did very well on stage but it was really a tough competition.
Michelle told us that she felt a bit disappointed.
but for us... who ever wins.. mic is still the ms university in our hearts..:)
Hi Michelle,
There are more things beyond joining Mr. & Ms. University. Like what you said in your blog, you've gained a lot of things. Consider yourself lucky that you made it to the Top 5 and that indeed is already an achievement. In 1994, I joined Mr. & Ms. University for experience sake and to please one of my professors. I knew from the start that I will not even make it to the pageant night but guess what, I ended up taking two minor awards and the 4th Runner Up trophy. What I was trying to tell you is that in everything that you do, don't expect too much. You can only do so much and besides there are reasons why things happen.
It was nice reading your blog. Keep it up.
Ariel Lingad
Toronto, Canada
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